Bodyforming (HIFEM)

About our body forming

With our HIFEM Sculpt you can expect the most advanced technology that achieves unique results.
Reshape your muscles and body.

  • How does our body forming work?

    During the EMS treatment, radio frequency therapy with electromagnetic energy is used at the same time in order to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time. Using radio frequency waves, the tissue is heated while the EMS provides energy for muscle contraction. In studies, muscle volume was increased by 25% with one treatment using this method. Within 30 minutes, the muscles are contracted 50,000 times, which corresponds to 3,000 sit-ups or squats, with almost no effort. Your superficial and deeper muscles are stimulated. The muscle growth stimulates fat burning and achieves a defined appearance.

  • How many sessions are needed?

    Continuous sessions are needed for an optimal and lasting result. For a quick minor improvement, for example for your next vacation, we recommend 4 - 6 treatments at intervals of 3 days. You can then arrange monthly appointments, for example, depending on your individual wishes. The duration of the treatment depends on the treatment areas and is approx. 30 minutes.

  • How does the treatment work?

    Before the first treatment, there is a non-binding consultation in which your initial condition is analyzed and the treatment goal, as well as any existing contraindications, are ruled out. In addition, the treatment process is explained and open questions answered. The actual treatment takes about 30 minutes while you lie or sit relaxed while the muscles contract and the tissues are heated. The treatment is completely painless. After the treatment you are immediately socially acceptable again and can maintain your results through exercise and a healthy diet, as well as sufficient fluids.

  • Which body regions can be treated?

    Basically, the abdomen, legs, arms, buttocks and pelvic floor can be treated. The most popular body regions are the abdomen, legs and buttocks for women and the arms and abdomen for men. It is not always necessary to treat several parts of the body, but it can also be used, for example, for targeted buttock enlargement through muscle building.

  • What effects can be achieved?

    - Stimulate metabolism

feel good in your body
always and everywhere.

An active and strong body can make life a lot easier. Simple activities like walking can become enjoyable if you have enough muscle strength. Opening a jam jar becomes child's play and unwanted fat build-up melts away. In addition, wearing your favorite dress becomes an even more attractive experience, as you feel visually more comfortable and self-confident.


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